The competition divided into two phases, the eligibility and the classification phase.

Eligibility Phase
Teams interested in participating in Minesweepers at IROS 2019 must send by email ( Technical Report and a 3-minutes video showing the design and the operation of their robot.
Deadline to submit the report and the video link is July 29, 2019. The accepted teams to participate in the classification phase in IROS 2019 will be notified by email in August 12, 2019.
You can check more instructions and guidelines in Appendix A, the report template in Appendix C and check the score sheets in Appendix D.
Classification Phase
The accepted teams will be invited to participate in the classification phase that will take place in November 4-5 at IROS 2019 in Macau, China. This phase will have the following two rounds:
Round1 (November 4, 2019)
All the ready robots will participate in order established by gambling. The teams will be sorted based on the sum score obtained in this stage only. The eight best teams in each category will be classified for the second round.
In case of equality in number of points, the robot that will finish the mission in minor time will win. If insufficient number teams have finished this round, the judge committee can select some of the unclassified teams to participate in round2.
You can check more instructions and guidelines of the mission in competition mission also check its score sheet in Appendix F.
Round2 (November 5, 2019)
The classified teams will have to accomplish a final mission according to the same guidelines of the previous round. Also required from top eight teams to give a 15 min technical presentation on a jury panel talking about their work and robot. The total score will be sum of mission score in round2 and presentation score.
You can find the presentation criteria in Appendix B also check its score sheet in Appendix E.