- Carlos Balaguer, RoboticsLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, SPAIN, General Chair IEEE/RSJ IROS’2018 and General Chair IEEE Humanoids’2014.
- Miguel Ángel Salichs, Director of RoboticsLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Jose Carlos Castillo Montoya, RoboticsLab, System Engineering and Automation Department, UC3M, Spain
- René Reynaga, Universidad La Salle, Bolivia
- Ramón Barber, RoboticsLab, System Engineering and Automation Department, UC3M, Spain
- Yvan Baudoin, Executive Head of the UVC / Professor emeritus, Royal Military Academy (RMA), Belgium
- Manuel Armada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSiC), Spain
- Fakhri Karray, Co-Director of The Center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (UW CPAMI), Canada
- Bruno Siciliano, Director of the PRISMA Lab in the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II , Italyand Past-President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Nikolaos Mavridis, Director of Interactive Robots and Media Lab, New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi
- Abder Rezak Benaskeur, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
- Ayorkor Korsah, Computer Science Department, Ashesi University, Ghana andco-founder of African Robotics Network (AFRON)
- Khaled Alsaif, CEO of Taqnia Robotics and intelligent systems.
- Alaa Khamis, General Motors Canada, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society – Egypt Chapter Chair and Minesweepers competition founder
- Mohamed Aboud, CEO Of GIE for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Waleed Faris, International Islamic University Malaysia
- Raj Madhavan, Vice President of Industrial Activities Board and Chair of RAS-SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology), IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Ahmed Sobhy, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society – Egypt Chapter Vice Chair for technical activities.
- Mahmoud AbdelAziz, Robotics General Manager Of GIE for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Amr Almaddah, King Abdulaziz University and Chief Operating Officer at Manga Productions.
- Nizar Rokbani, REGIM-Lab, University of Sousse, Tunisia
- Hussin Mahdi, EEE Region 10 Young Professionals South-East Asia Coordinator & IEEE R 10 Humanitarian Technology Activities committee
- Ruba Aburub, IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian activities Outreach and Publicity Lead, princess sumaya university for technology
- Fernando García, Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
- Abdulla Al-Kaff, Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
- Ahmed Hussein, Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain